This isn't everyone, but here's a few of the guys.
Keith Schaff, Side Drummer
Bellevue Fire Department
Band Vice President and the guy who schedules the band's events! If you want to talk to someone about having the band play at your event, this is your guy!
Ron McOsker, Piper
Eastside Fire and Rescue
Yes, this is his normal hair color.
Mark Givens, Side Drummer
Mercer Island Fire Department
"I can't believe Simmonds is wearing that on his head again..."
Brandon Bothwell, Piper
Bellevue Fire Department
Band Treasurer. Who could be better to run the band's finances than a dude in a leprechaun hat?!? You know, leprechauns... pot of gold.
Colin O'Brien, Tenor Drummer
Eastside Fire & Rescue
This was Colin before he joined the band. He figured out that it's a whole lot more fun to play in the band than to just sell swag, so he joined up, got all learn'd up and then got kilted (up?). The next year, he was playing with the band on Paddy's Day!